Bugs Bugs Bugs!

Hello, I’m back! I spent two weeks gallivanting around the world with my wife (who was working), and then I spent one more weekend playing Ingress in Canberra. And now finally after all the unpacking is done and the clothes washing is finished, I can get down to some programming. I last saw my wife in Dubai and don’t expect her home for a while yet, so I hope for minimal distractions.

So while I was away the system was running happily by itself, by which I mean it was unattended and nobody much was looking at the site 🙁 so really all it was doing was costing me money. The last bill arrived while I was in Italy so I haven’t looked at it in detail yet, but I did investigate why the Lambdas were still costing me more money than I expected.

I found a new way of arranging the Lambda usage graphs that makes more sense (and that’s what the pretty picture above is). It’s pretty clear that blue was doing way too much work, so I investigated that. That’s the bit which takes the list of what games someone has in their collection and puts it into the database. One user had many versions of games in their collection, so I kept trying to put the same game into the database over and over. I’ve sort of fixed that (but what can I do if someone gives the same game two different ratings?) and that particular problem seems to be fixed. In a week or two I’ll know how that has affected the performance (and hence cost) of the system.

The next bug I addressed was one that was found by alert reader Jeroen, who pointed out that if someone recorded more than 100 plays in a month, I only used the first 100. I knew what that was, so I investigated and fixed it. Then came the hard bit – fixing all the data that was wrong. Even finding it took a while – essentially I had to find all the months for all the geeks where there were 100 plays recorded. There were 2750 of those, so I then had to mark those as needing to be reprocessed. That was quite difficult to figure out. Ideally I would have just said “reprocess all the months”, but I know that that takes more than a month to do, so I had to get exactly those ones. I seem to have achieved it, but after all that hard work, the database was a bit puffed out and needed a rest. In technical speak, I exceeded my CPU quota and the burst balance was very quickly heading to zero as well. So now that I’ve figured out all of the months to fix, the database is too tired to do it and I’ve told the downloader to rest. I’ll turn it back on in the morning.

So one of the good things about my wife being away is that I can now put sticky notes of things I need to do all over the house. There’s a rather nice Japanese flower picture in the living room here which is now covered in notes saying things like “geek buddies” and “API keys”. Actual user-facing features haven’t even made it to the sticky notes yet. However I shall be extremely pleased if I can get these things done in a couple of weeks.

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