Out with the Old, In with the New!

After dreaming about it for two years or so, I have switched from using a normal MySQL database hosted by AWS to using AWS’s serverless database, Aurora Serverless. I expected this to be a mildly traumatic changeover, but all of the trauma was caused by Oracle’s stupidity and nothing at all from AWS or the new database.

I exported the current MySQL database to a dump file, created an Aurora Serverless database, imported the dump file, and told the downloader, the API, and the Express server to use it. And it seems to work. The only way I can tell the difference is to look at the performance logs in AWS RDS to see which database says it’s doing stuff.

On the other hand I did hope that the switch might help with a performance issue I’d been having, and it didn’t. Hmph. Back to the drawing board on that one.

Database Usage Since Creation

Notice in the graphs, database capacity was high during the initial data import – this was AWS automatically allocating the required capacity. The after the import it dropped down again. There were some bursts of CPU while I was doing some testing, and the particularly high ones are the troublesome pages I’m debugging.

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