A Bad Reaction

I may have mentioned several times on this blog that I use a technology called Angular to write the web pages on the site. That’s what I use at work so I have some experience with it. There’s a competing technology called React, which I have heard a lot about, in that I have subscribed to various React podcasts and so on, and generally opened myself up to it in the hope that understanding would come without too much effort.

Several BGG users who use React have told me “Angular’s dead! React has won that battle!” So, in response to such taunting, and also in response to a weakness in Angular where I can’t have two Angular applications on the same page, I decided to rewrite the navigation bar in React. The nav bar is a terribly simple component, and it couldn’t be that hard, could it?

Indeed, it was not. React (like Angular) has a nice feature where I can change the code and see it instantly changed in my web browser. So, following my usual process of one Google search for one line of code, I got it working to my satisfaction. And it was so simple I really did not need React, but maybe some other ideas I have will justify my choice in the future.

So that was good, I had some working React, now I just needed to update my process to take the JavaScript that React produced and put it onto my web site. React produced 3 files, with extremely unhelpful obfuscated names that change every time you change anything. This is bad because the rest of my site, which loads those files, does not change very much. I edit those files by hand, and there’s no way I’m going to edit them to put unhelpful obfuscated file names into them on a regular basis.

No problem! There’s a thing called webpack which does that. Oh yeah, except for the problem that webpack is badly documented, hard to configure, and keeps changing. My first attempt to use it involved copying some configuration I found on the internet (it seemed like a good idea at the time). And that seemed to work at first, but then it stopped. So I had to poke around and debug a whole lot of things to figure out what was going on, and that took WAY TOO LONG.

Of course, this could have been a whole lot easier if React had not generated the unhelpful obfuscated file names, but the React developers refuse to understand why anyone might not want that. It seems that React is the whole universe, and once the code works in any fashion, their job is done. They have no concern with fitting in with larger processes. Nevertheless despite my fury on that particular point, I liked React and I’ll use it again. Webpack, on the other hand, needs a bullet in the head.

Well, I hope this blog post provides me some catharsis! I’ve spent several evenings reading up on how webpack works when I never cared to know in the first place.

One final word. Angular is not dead. In my time outside the React world, I heard a lot about state management. There’s a technology called Redux which is used to help with that. It’s totally irrelevant in the Angular world, because we don’t have the state management problem – the solution is built in. So it worries me a bit that React requires a complex (and by all accounts, really boring) solution to a non-problem. Angular does have its problems (I nominate zone.js) but I’d say otherwise the technologies are equally capable, but different. And different is OK.

Ooh Er, That’s a Bit Fancy!

When I started writing the user interface parts of this project, I knew I would need a table component. Angular has quite a few libraries, but I couldn’t find a table component that was useful and that I could get to work… well until the one that I ended up with and used for the War Table and the Rankings Table. It wasn’t great, but it sort of worked and got the data out there.

However I always aspired to something nicer – I aspire to make the whole site better, but I have to do it bit by bit! So I prepared to make the table component nicer by reading the source code, but at first I didn’t understand it. It didn’t do complicated stuff, it just used Angular features that I didn’t know existed. This is what I get for being a newb! However today I managed to get myself sorted to make an improved version, and I’m rather pleased how it came out.

The War Table, updated

I moved the pagination stuff to the top of the table. If it’s at the bottom, you may not see it to use it. I also got the CSS under control so that the pagination bar looks like a natural extension to the table. I also took control of the page numbers you could go to so that it’s easier to scroll through the pages with some sort of intent.

And with all that extra space I had available, I added a Search field. One thing that I did not like about those tables was that it was really hard to find yourself – nobody wants to scroll through lots of pages searching for something. So if you type a geek name into the search field, it will take you to the page with that name on. How cool is that! It makes all the data behind that table much more accessible.

I guess tomorrow’s job will be to fix the rankings table, because IMHO this design is too sweet to ignore.

Swaggering, or Staggering?

During the week (well, last week, I think), a strange thing happened. I got an email from GitHub, where I keep the source code for the site, saying that someone wanted to fix a bug in the site. So I had a look at what they suggested and it made perfect sense, so I accepted the change. So since then that developer and I have been chatting, and now I have a collaborator. Or at the very least, a second opinion on many things. This is very odd for a doctor of friendlessness such as myself.

Now I have been a programmer longer than most people have been alive (source) so I have a great many opinons about programming things, but for much of the technology used in Extended Stats Serverless, I’m quite new to it. And being a humble motherfucker with a big ass appetite to learn, I’m very happy to take advice on these techs.

So one thing that has been on my mind is a product called Swagger (now changed to the Open API Initiative, which is a very dull name). Swagger is a system for describing APIs. An API is an application programming interface, which means it’s a way to talk to an application by programming. These days, it is coming to mostly mean a way to talk to a web application by making calls to the web site. One way to use an API is as the back-end to the web site, which is what I do.

When you go to extstats.drfriendless.com, all of that stuff is being loaded from AWS S3 (think of that as Amazon’s hard drive). Then the code runs in your web browser and talks to api.drfriendless.com to retrieve data – api.drfriendless.com implements the API. So what I was doing with Swagger was documenting what you could say to the API and what it would say back.

That doesn’t sound hard. And indeed it wasn’t, to do the sort of half-assed job that I did. Nevertheless it came to about a thousand lines, which took quite a while to do. I’m sure you’re desperate to see what I produced, so here it is:


Yeah. Although the swaggerhub interface is nice, it’s still pretty dry stuff. Nevertheless I felt it was an essential bit of due diligence that I should do. And while doing I found a few cases where I thought “huh? why did I do it like that?” which I will probably go back and redo to be more sensible. So that’s a good thing.