“Holiday” (it would be so nice)

My wife has leave at the moment, so she suggested that we go on a holiday interstate. I do not have leave at the moment, but I’m the one who does the long-distance driving so I was tangled up in this plan. I often work from home so my boss said it was OK, so next thing you know I’ve driven a thousand kilometres and am staying at a holiday unit at the beach. Here is the view from the balcony.

Of course, I am not on holiday, so I’m busy coding away in between dropping the family at the shops and the train station and so on. I have a couple of pretty big deadlines so I really am busy.

Even worse, the internet here is not as good as at home. For work stuff that’s generally OK. However I’ve done a couple of updates to extstats.drfriendless.com, and it takes quite a while to upload 50 megabytes. However I did finish an update to the user page (the one you get to if you click on your name when you are logged in). It still looks pretty bad because I can’t work Angular Material very well yet, but I think it’s more useable. I’ve also been trying to start using some of the configuration you can set on that page. However I have not really had the time to make a lot of progress. Worst holiday ever.

On the other hand, I was watching my wife web-surf last night, and discovered that the h-index is a popular statistic amongst academics. An academic’s h-index is the highest number n such that they have n papers which have been cited n times each. And of course being academics, whose performance is measured by their h-index and similarly absurdly trivial metrics, they think way too much about this sort of thing.

For example, they have a g-index. The g-index is the largest number n such that their n most-cited papers have been cited on average n times each. We don’t have that metric. NOT YET!

They also have a rational h-index, which is approximately the h-index but with some indication of how close you are to getting to the next number. So we definitely want that! The formula (which took a while to track down) is:

  • say your h-index is h
  • and the minimum number of plays you could play to get it to h+1 is n
  • then your rational h-index hr is:

hr = h + 1 – n / (2h + 1)

and of course you keep the fractional part. OMG, I am so excited! I can’t wait to implement it! But right now, I have to have a “holiday”.

2 Replies to ““Holiday” (it would be so nice)”

  1. In fact Julian is the person I have played games with in the most states of Australia (4, plus one territory). However I don’t think I’ve recorded him as an opponent on BGG, so it calculating that number wouldn’t work. Maybe when I get all of the replacement functionality done I can start working on that sort of stuff.

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