Ooh Er, That’s a Bit Fancy!

When I started writing the user interface parts of this project, I knew I would need a table component. Angular has quite a few libraries, but I couldn’t find a table component that was useful and that I could get to work… well until the one that I ended up with and used for the War Table and the Rankings Table. It wasn’t great, but it sort of worked and got the data out there.

However I always aspired to something nicer – I aspire to make the whole site better, but I have to do it bit by bit! So I prepared to make the table component nicer by reading the source code, but at first I didn’t understand it. It didn’t do complicated stuff, it just used Angular features that I didn’t know existed. This is what I get for being a newb! However today I managed to get myself sorted to make an improved version, and I’m rather pleased how it came out.

The War Table, updated

I moved the pagination stuff to the top of the table. If it’s at the bottom, you may not see it to use it. I also got the CSS under control so that the pagination bar looks like a natural extension to the table. I also took control of the page numbers you could go to so that it’s easier to scroll through the pages with some sort of intent.

And with all that extra space I had available, I added a Search field. One thing that I did not like about those tables was that it was really hard to find yourself – nobody wants to scroll through lots of pages searching for something. So if you type a geek name into the search field, it will take you to the page with that name on. How cool is that! It makes all the data behind that table much more accessible.

I guess tomorrow’s job will be to fix the rankings table, because IMHO this design is too sweet to ignore.

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